
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

25. August 2021

Salzburg’s Innovative Spirit: Karl Wagner

Karl Wagner is the CEO of CUBES GmbH, an innovative production company for molds of components for airplanes and cars. Conventional methods are expensive and time-consuming. Until now, mold makers could only cast large blocks and then cut the final shape with a milling machine. This results in a lot of waste material, long processing times, and delivery times.

27. July 2021

Lorrygram – Transportainment made in Salzburg

Transportainment, the combination of transport and entertainment, is the mission of Johann Strasser. In the 1990s, his company Wingliner created easy-to-use truck bodies that can be opened and closed automatically.

11. February 2021

Mapping the underwater world

Ocean Maps specializes in the surveying of underwater worlds and their representation in 3D models, known as digital twins. Underwater maps, originally designed for scuba diving, also attract interest from the energy and construction industries as well as the public sector.

25. January 2020

Flexible system for enterprise resource planning (ERP)

The Salzburg-based developer of business software, Ramsauer & Stürmer, aims to fundamentally redesign its ERP suite with the support of a grant.

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