Our experts help you to finance the protection of your intellectual property!

7. March 2022

These funding opportunities exist for intellectual property rights

99 percent of companies in the EU are SMEs, yet only nine percent have registered rights for Intellectual Property (IP). However, there are many support services available that can help with IP protection. We strongly encourage you to invest in your intellectual property strategy.

The basis: the IP strategy

Technical innovations, trademarks, and designs can be protected through patents, utility models, design patents, trademark protection, or contracts. The IP strategy determines how you protect your IP and can be defined accordingly. To assess the value of your IP and develop an IP strategy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can, for example, make use of the Discover.IP service. IP experts provide free information on suitable protection and funding opportunities.

Funding in the IP field

Support services include not only consultations but also financial assistance.

  • The Patent Voucher is a grant provided by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Patent Office. Once a year, SMEs can have their research idea assessed for patentability. In addition, the Patent Voucher supports patent application and monitoring. The FFG covers up to eighty percent of the costs (maximum 10,000 euros).
  • The SME Fund of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) supports European SMEs in the development and implementation of their IP strategy. Funding is available for national, European, or international trademark and/or design applications. The application for a patent is also eligible for a 50 percent funding. Both can be applied for by each SME every calendar year.

Innovation Salzburg: Your contact for IP matters

Innovation Salzburg is your contact for regional, national, and European IP protection strategies. If you require assistance on this topic, we welcome you to our free seminars. During our regular patent, trademark, and funding consultation days, you can receive one-on-one consultations. Please refer to our event calendar for more information.

Your contact for funding and intellectual property advisory services

Mag. Romana Schwab

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