Digital Findet Stadt
Digital Findet Stadt is Austria’s largest interdisciplinary platform for the digitalization of the construction and real estate industry. The network provides comprehensive information on digitalization opportunities, assists in building digital competencies, and promotes the development of forward-thinking and sustainable work processes.

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest business support network and assists companies in 60 countries with all questions relating to internationalization and the search for cooperation partners.

EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub: Crowd in Motion
A European Digital Innovation Hub that aims to accelerate the utilization of crowd technology and AI for the analysis of motion data through the Internet of Things, FabLabs, and access to financial resources for the green and digital transformation of the alpine tourism and sports industry, as well as the public sector.

The Interreg project WIWA² investigates the effectiveness of natural environments on the health and quality of life of the population and patients.

INNO.CIRCLE specifically supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in further developing or redesigning their products and business models in line with the principles of the circular economy.

DECIDE – Strengthening the Circular Economy
The Interreg Project aims to equip SMEs, startups, and economic developers in the Danube region with tools to create successful circular economy business models, crucial for realizing the European Green Deal’s goals

Sports Innovation Meetup
This project promotes innovation in sports through collaboration between sports enthusiasts, clubs, companies, and associations in the border area between Salzburg and Bavaria.

Digital Innovation Hub West
Die Aktivitäten des DIH West konzentrieren sich auf Information, individuelle Beratung, Weiterbildung und die thematische Vernetzung von KMU und Forschungseinrichtungen im digitalen Bereich.
EXDIGIT bridges interdisciplinary interfaces at PLUS with its partners within the Salzburg research landscape and strategically fills gaps in knowledge and research chains at the location.

Bioeconomy Austria
Das Bioeconomy Austria Netzwerk besteht aktuell aus über 200 Organisationen, die gemeinsam zeigen, dass eine Wirtschaft, die nicht auf fossilen Rohstoffen basiert, nicht nur in der Theorie existiert, sondern auch praxistauglich ist.