

Legal Form

Innovation Salzburg GmbH is a non-profit organisation.

Commercial Register Number: FN239333k

Commercial Register Court: Regional Court Salzburg



Maxglaner Hauptstraße 72, 5020 Salzburg

+43 5 7599 722


Year of Establishment




Mag. Walter Haas


72 %

State of Salzburg

15 %

City of Salzburg

11 %

Salzburg Chamber of Commerce

2 %

Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg

Advisory Board

Advisory Board Our advisory board consists of eight individuals appointed by our shareholders. The advisory board is the consultative body of the general assembly.

Chairman of the Advisory Board

  • Dr. Roland Wernik, MBA

Advisory Board Members

  • Ing. Gerald Heerdegen
  • DI Piero Ploner
  • Mag.a Julia Rafetseder
  • Christina Rudorf-Ortner LL.M
  • Dr. Reinhard Scharfetter, MBA
  • Mag.a Irene Schulte
  • Dr. Roland Schlager

Corporate Purpose

Excerpt from the Articles of Association:

The purpose is to promote the Salzburg economy and science, particularly by supporting the collaboration and coordination of the state’s technology and innovation policies. This includes:

  • Acting as a strategic transfer center between business, universities, non-university research institutions, and other scientific institutions to promote cooperation, especially among research institutions located in Salzburg.
  • Developing, shaping, and implementing projects and funding measures, primarily in the field of knowledge, innovation, and technology transfer.
  • Organizing relevant information events or other activities that support the purposes of the company.
  • Developing and implementing important strategic innovation projects as project sponsors.
  • Facilitating the transfer of research and development results to science and business, as well as participating in research and development projects.
  • Supporting network and cluster formations.


Innovation Salzburg Pioniergarage GmbH is 100% owned by Innovation Salzburg GmbH.

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