impressive place for your success

Business and research location Salzburg

Salzburg. You’re on the spot.

Salzburg is always a good idea. Its geographical location, infrastructure, and impeccable reputation on the national and international stage make Salzburg a center for business, art, and culture. It’s no wonder that companies, institutions, experts, and professionals choose Salzburg as the location for their operations and activities. The quality and diversity of opportunities available in Salzburg are remarkable. The city provides continuous opportunities for easy networking and cross-industry collaboration.

Whether it’s internationally renowned companies, hidden champions that are world market leaders, small innovative businesses, or the cream of the crop in creativity – you can find them all in Salzburg. They all enjoy a special standing in their respective industries. The reasons for this are clear. Salzburg impresses with:

  • Its ecosystem, which is ideal for easy networking due to short distances.
  • Its culture, which embraces both tradition, high culture, and a vibrant young creative scene.
  • Its geographically central location and infrastructure, making travel within Europe a breeze.
  • Its education and research opportunities at schools, six universities, colleges, and specialized institutions.
  • Its access to ultra-fast broadband high-speed internet connectivity.

7.155 km2

Salzburg area

28 Bn €

nominal gross domestic product



Favorable conditions for research

Salzburg is continuously growing and evolving as a location for research and innovation. With its science and innovation strategy, the state follows clear guidelines in this regard. The efforts are paying off: Nearly half a billion euros are invested annually in research expenditures, with almost two-thirds of that coming from companies. Furthermore, nearly half of these companies are foreign businesses based in Salzburg. Currently, close to 2,500 research positions are offered within companies.

In addition to the six universities, as well as the university hospital, Salzburg is home to institutions such as Salzburg Research, focusing on digital topics, and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, conducting research at the intersection of digitization and health.

Areas of expertise

Business an research location

Digital Salzburg

With its blend of education, research, start-ups and top companies, Salzburg is a real digital hotspot. The expansion of future-oriented study programmes, the promotion of collaboration projects between science and business, and the digitalisation drive for companies are already bearing fruit.

Business an research location

Life Sciences

60 companies. 3,000 employees. € 1 billion annual turnover. The life sciences are well represented in the small state of Salzburg, and they are growing all the time.

Business an research location

Green Innovation

The timber industry and research, as well as building research, have a tradition in Salzburg. The research on intelligent materials is still young but on the right track. Of course, there are also innovative companies that pursue sustainable approaches.

Business an research location

Creative Region

Mozart und die Salzburger Festspiele prägen das internationale Image von Salzburg. Doch auch über diese Marke hinaus ist das Bundesland ein Standort, in der Kreativität geschätzt und gelebt wird. Besonders prägend ist die Filmwirtschaft.


10. July 2024

Funding for film, TV, and streaming projects

Austria offers national and regional funding for film projects. Funding is available for international service productions, Austrian cinema films, and emerging productions. This covers cinema, TV, and streaming. The largest component of this is the incentive model FISA+.

5. June 2024

The Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences after 2 years – a review

Since its establishment two years ago, the Faculty at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg has seen significant expansion. This was also supported by the State of Salzburg and Innovation Salzburg. On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, a review was presented at a press conference.

27. May 2024

Mr. Eddy: How interesting is Salzburg for Netflix?

In the name of our film location Salzburg, we had the opportunity to host a delegation from Netflix. During a stroll through the city center and Hellbrunn, the team could get an impression of Salzburg’s film scenery. Steve Eddy, Director of the DACH Region for Netflix, answered a few questions for us on that occasion.

8. March 2024

How do we shape our future?

Political and technological challenges, as well as solutions to questions about the world of tomorrow, were discussed at the well-attended Innovation and Technology Forum salz21 on March 6th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center. Let’s take a look back at the panels organized by Innovation Salzburg.

23. November 2023

Digital Motion: Enhancing Movement with Technology

Several research institutions in Salzburg, along with additional partners, have succeeded in bringing another COMET project to Salzburg with “Digital Motion.” COMET is the flagship program for promoting cutting-edge research in Austria.

17. November 2023

Salzburg gets its first virtual production studio

Take 2 Studios in Salzburg Sam opens Austria’s first virtual production studio.

15. November 2023

A new binder for timber construction

Bauneg GmbH from Flachgau has developed a new type of binding agent for levelling wooden residential buildings that remains elastic and thus provides sound insulation. The SME was supported by the state’s innovation funding programme and Innovation Salzburg.

7. November 2023

Utilizing Funding for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) offer various fundings for companies looking to work with new technology.

3. November 2023

Development of raw material recycling thanks to funding

The extraction of gravel produces extremely fine material that was previously considered waste. An innovation from Pongau makes it possible to utilise this material for the first time. This means that 100 per cent of the raw material can be used. The mechanical recovery process was developed by Christian Ehrensberger GmbH from Tenneck near Werfen.

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