Photo: Fun & Pro Sport Pichler

25. January 2022

Digital Ski Rental: From Smart Check-in to the Slopes

Faster service, support for employees, and easier compliance with pandemic regulations – all of this has been implemented by the ski rental shop Fun & Pro Sport Pichler in Flachau during the pandemic, with the help of digital funding.

Faster service, support for employees, and easier compliance with pandemic regulations: a ski rental shop in Flachau implemented all of this during the pandemic, with the help of digital funding. At Fun & Pro Sport Pichler, there would often be a lot of hustle and bustle on weekends at their three branches when numerous ski enthusiasts wanted to rent equipment at the beginning of lift openings and return them at the end. It takes some time for a customer to find the right ski: height, weight, skiing ability, shoe size, and more factors need to be determined in order to adjust the equipment. As a result, many customers would be present in the shops at the same time. In the times of COVID-19, when maintaining distance and adhering to hygiene rules became crucial, this was a scenario they wanted to avoid.

Smart Check-in with Intelligent Booking Management

Now, a Smart Check-in has simplified the rental process. Customers can provide their information in advance, for example, at the hotel or upon arrival. The equipment is prepared for them and ready for pickup. “The rental process is expedited, which means fewer people are present in the shop at the same time. Moreover, our customers no longer need to touch the terminals in the store,” says owner Rupert Pichler. These aspects are significant during a pandemic.

He also acquired a new device that tests whether the bindings are properly adjusted. This check should be done regularly to minimize the risk of injury. With the DigiCommerce, an e-commerce funding program from the State of Salzburg, Rupert Pichler financed an interface from the Smart Check-in to the device. “This allows our customers to register in advance for the binding check as well,” explains Rupert Pichler. The data is directly transmitted to the device and used to set the bindings correctly.

“The new services have been well-received because customers can get from the shop to the slopes much faster. And for the employees, the digitalization project also provides relief because fewer people are present in the shop at the same time,” adds Rupert Pichler.

Innovation Salzburg provides support for funding inquiries

Innovation Salzburg assisted with the application process for DigiCommerce. “I became aware of the digitalization initiative by the State of Salzburg. The funding experts at Innovation Salzburg helped me make the most of it,” says Rupert Pichler. If you are also planning to implement an e-commerce project or other digitalization initiatives, we are available to provide free advice on funding and legal protection.

Your contact for funding

Mag. Romana Schwab

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