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23. November 2023

Digital Motion: Enhancing Movement with Technology

Several research institutions in Salzburg, along with additional partners, have succeeded in bringing another COMET project to Salzburg with “Digital Motion.” COMET is the flagship program for promoting cutting-edge research in Austria.

The project “Digital Motion” aims to bring more vitality and safety to movement and sports. With the help of digital technologies such as innovative sensor systems, digital textiles, and artificial intelligence, the consortium is developing data-driven innovations for safety and behavior change in physical activity. The focus is on incentives for increased vitality, as well as improving endurance and performance in running, supporting recreational athletes in winter sports and (e-)biking through smart equipment such as helmets and gloves. For individuals with limited mobility, assisted movement is being explored, such as how sensory prosthetics or exoskeletons can be used for movement and the joy of it.

Setting new standards in the digitization of sports, fitness, and well-being

The entire value chain is united in the project, from technology component providers and integrators to product manufacturers and service providers. The goals are to create more innovative customer experiences, increase vitality and safety in sports and movement. Digital Motion will set new standards for digitization in sports, fitness, and well-being, enabling optimization of individual performance and more effective goal achievement in both professional and recreational sports and rehabilitation.

“Digital Motion next level” stood out in intense competition and was recommended for funding as one of eight projects out of a total of 16 submissions. The consortium partners come from seven different countries, with a total of 16 companies involved, including well-known large companies such as adidas, Atomic, Infineon, Pierer Innovation, and Uniqua, as well as numerous startups and SMEs. The Competence Center will serve as a springboard into cutting-edge research for approximately 15 PhD students. Led by Salzburg Research and the University of Salzburg, the project, with a budget of six million euros for four years, was approved for funding in strong competition, enriching the innovation landscape of Salzburg with another top research project.

Source: Press release from Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft

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