Photo: Energieautonom GmbH

25. February 2022

Implementing sustainable energy supply intelligently

The sixth and final company we are featuring in the series “Green Innovation made in Salzburg” is Energieautonom GmbH. They are dedicated to the optimization of solar power.

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular for supplying residential homes and commercial buildings. Solar energy is generated during the day but is mostly needed in the evening when residents are at home. Therefore, efficient storage solutions are important. Energieautonom GmbH specializes in maximizing the utilization of self-produced solar power and minimizing energy losses.

Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Thanks to the innovative Energieautonom system, the company from Taxenbach in Pinzgau optimizes the communication between energy generation and consumption. The photovoltaic system is complemented by two heat pumps for heating and hot water, an electrical energy storage system, and smart control technology. The key to the system’s exceptionally efficient energy balance lies in the specific arrangement of these standardized, commercially available components, which are perfectly synchronized in their functionality.

“We are the market leader in coordinating energy generation, such as the rooftop photovoltaic system, energy demand, including household electricity, hot water, and heating, and energy storage, such as boilers, buffers, night storage, battery systems, and electric vehicles,” says Managing Director Alois Fürstaller. Energieautonom has received funding, such as the “aws – Gründung am Land” (Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas) program, for the further development of its products, supported by the funding advisory services of Innovation Salzburg.

About Energieautonom GmbH:

  • Location: Taxenbach
  • Approximately 20 employees
  • Provides sustainable energy supply systems for residential homes and commercial buildings.

Your contact for funding

Mag. Romana Schwab

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