18. February 2022

The intelligent water heating system in the city of Salzburg

Engineering office NW Technology (NWT) has been implementing projects in water treatment and wastewater management abroad for decades. Now, the office has developed its own product to respond to the dynamics in the energy market. The product is called “ENYSTO,” and it is a stratified storage tank for single and multi-family houses.

Heat Miracle Water

Energy generated, for example, through a photovoltaic system, can be converted into heat using a heat pump and a heating element, and then stored in a stratified storage tank. This way, a building can be heated with hot water. In energy cluster associations, surplus energy can also be stored as heat. Gunnar Demoulin, Managing Director of NWT, sees the project’s importance in the energy market: “We see the trends in the market moving towards phasing out fossil fuels. Energy storage is almost exclusively possible with water or batteries. For us, the first choice was water.”

Photo: NWT OG

The stratified storage tank consists of 2,000 liters of water and 160 kWh of thermal energy. One advantage is that it can be divided into three parts to fit through any door, making it suitable for installation in any household. Currently, the pre-series is being tested, and soon there will be a product presentation. For product development, NWT OG has received innovation funding from the State of Salzburg and was supported in the application process by the innovation advisory service of Innovation Salzburg.

About NWT OG:

  • City of Salzburg
  • 5 employees
  • Engineering office for landscape engineering and water management


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