
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

29. May 2024

Pilot: Online Matchmaking with Indian IT Professionals

With its 5 million IT professionals, India is considered the largest talent pool in the world. Indian software specialists are in demand globally, and there are many open IT jobs in Salzburg that would be interesting for these talents. Do you have open positions? Get to know the talents!

Career fair IKOM Munich

5. December 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

8. November 2023

Training courses for Filmmakers

Salzburg is the second-largest media hub in Austria and a versatile location for (film) productions. So, it’s the perfect place to start your education in this field

7. June 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

24. May 2023

EdTech Austria Summit: How modern education works

On June 1st, the second EdTech Austria Summit will take place. The event, organized by EdTech Austria and Innovation Salzburg, focuses on the future of education.

7. February 2023

7 tips for intercultural work

Culture influences our working life: a colleague’s aversion to new tools and ways of working, a colleague’s sympathy for clear structures and rules, or a colleague’s relaxed approach to deadlines – this can result in conflicts! But this is not inevitable! Intercultural competencies promote understanding for each other and strengthen cooperation.

25. January 2023

This is changing with the Red-White-Red Card

The Red-White-Red Card allows employers to hire employees from third countries. A legal amendment facilitates the application process. We will tell you what you need to know as an employer about the changes!

1. January 2023

The new Austrian film subsidy is here

The new funding model is intended to strengthen the domestic film industry and create jobs.

5. December 2022

For Tomorrow’s Skilled Workers

Since 2020, we have been supporting young people in finding the right profession with Lehre Salzburg. We do this through and an award-winning media campaign.

11. August 2022

Salzburg Ambassadors: representing the location

Its location, infrastructure and impeccable image make Salzburg a hub for business, art and culture. The Ambassadors programme launched by the state of Salzburg and Innovation Salzburg carries this image out into the world. The Salzburg Ambassadors help position our city internationally.

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