
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

18. November 2022

These are our top 5 Christmas markets in Salzburg

During the Advent season, one cannot escape Christmas markets in Salzburg. There are numerous markets in the city and countryside of Salzburg. Our editorial team presents you with their 5 favorite Christmas markets that you absolutely must not miss.

30. September 2022

COPA-DATA opens new building

At the end of September, the second office building of COPA-DATA was opened in Salzburg. Modern workplaces for 120 employees were created there. We were present at the opening.

14. September 2022

These IT companies in Salzburg are looking for you!

Do you have IT skills? Do you want to live and work in Salzburg? Wonderful! There are many IT companies in Salzburg that are looking for IT professionals. Large corporations, small family businesses or hidden champions – Salzburg has it all. No need for a lengthy search for the right employer in Salzburg – we have an overview for you!

11. August 2022

Salzburg Ambassadors: representing the location

Its location, infrastructure and impeccable image make Salzburg a hub for business, art and culture. The Ambassadors programme launched by the state of Salzburg and Innovation Salzburg carries this image out into the world. The Salzburg Ambassadors help position our city internationally.

20. July 2022

Hiring foreign workers: What you need to consider

The voices from companies are growing louder, stating that skilled workers are missing in certain areas, such as the IT sector. This is an important reason to increasingly search for suitable talents abroad. When hiring so-called expatriates, or expats for short, there are several points to consider.

15. May 2021

The new BMW Group Campus

The BMW Group is investing in its Maxglan site and is building a new “Campus Salzburg” there at a cost of more than 28 million euros.

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