
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

8. February 2023

These companies in Salzburg have lots of IT know-how

What do Red Bull, PALFINGER and Porsche Holding have in common? Headquarters in Salzburg. Does that surprise you? Many other large companies are based here – world market leaders, trading groups and global industrial companies.

7. February 2023

7 tips for intercultural work

Culture influences our working life: a colleague’s aversion to new tools and ways of working, a colleague’s sympathy for clear structures and rules, or a colleague’s relaxed approach to deadlines – this can result in conflicts! But this is not inevitable! Intercultural competencies promote understanding for each other and strengthen cooperation.

12. January 2023

Salzburg beyond Mozart and high culture

Here we have for you just a small selection of the many sporting activities that Salzburg has to offer. There is a lot to discover – in any season.

11. January 2023

Red-White-Red card: what you need to know

Are you from outside the EU and would like to work in Salzburg? But you need to know where to start? This will give you an initial overview of how you can work in Austria as a skilled worker from outside the EU.

1. January 2023

The new Austrian film subsidy is here

The new funding model is intended to strengthen the domestic film industry and create jobs.

5. December 2022

For Tomorrow’s Skilled Workers

Since 2020, we have been supporting young people in finding the right profession with Lehre Salzburg. We do this through and an award-winning media campaign.

21. November 2022

Movie release of „The Magic Flute“

“The Magic Flute” has been in theaters since Thursday, November 17, 2023. As the name suggests, the film takes up the story of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”. The result is a successful combination of fantasy spectacle and coming-of-age story, in which Mozart’s music takes center stage.

18. November 2022

These are our top 5 Christmas markets in Salzburg

During the Advent season, one cannot escape Christmas markets in Salzburg. There are numerous markets in the city and countryside of Salzburg. Our editorial team presents you with their 5 favorite Christmas markets that you absolutely must not miss.

30. September 2022

COPA-DATA opens new building

At the end of September, the second office building of COPA-DATA was opened in Salzburg. Modern workplaces for 120 employees were created there. We were present at the opening.

14. September 2022

These IT companies in Salzburg are looking for you!

Do you have IT skills? Do you want to live and work in Salzburg? Wonderful! There are many IT companies in Salzburg that are looking for IT professionals. Large corporations, small family businesses or hidden champions – Salzburg has it all. No need for a lengthy search for the right employer in Salzburg – we have an overview for you!

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