
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

14. June 2022

Achieving visible peaks through cooperation – Interview with Sabine Seidler

On 8 June 2022, we welcomed top-class speakers in Salzburg on the subject of universities and higher education in the 21st century. One of them was Sabine Seidler, Rector of the Vienna University of Technology. We asked her what the university of the future looks like for her and how a location can be successful despite small-scale structures and demographic change.

8. June 2022

University location Salzburg focuses on specialization

The challenges and strategic development of the domestic research and university location are on the agenda for the scientific elite of Salzburg these days. Additionally, today, they are meeting with the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development.

28. January 2022

Salzburg’s new digital faculty

Salzburg is setting course for the future: As of the beginning of 2022, the new Faculty of Digital & Analytical Sciences (DAS) has been established at the University of Salzburg (PLUS).

12. December 2021

Innovation Lab for the Education of the Future

The digitization has transformed the way we access information, and it has particularly influenced the way young people consume information. As a result, new approaches are needed to communicate socially relevant topics. The Innovation Lab for Education aims to test cooperative and interdisciplinary methods that can be integrated into schools to make them future-ready.

10. October 2021

FHs and universities jointly train doctoral candidates

Austria’s universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS) are jointly training doctoral students. The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are funding five new joint doctoral programs with one million euros each in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna, and Wiener Neustadt.

17. August 2021

Career Mechatronics Lungau: Together for the Region

Several companies have joined forces to train apprentices together. Where does something like this happen? In Lungau! Two years ago, eight companies in Lungau established the Karriere Mechatronik Lungau association.

17. December 2020

Research meets Business: The DIH West

The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) West supports SMEs from Western Austria in their digital transformation through a collaboration of universities, interest groups, and companies from Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg. The range of services includes educational offerings, coaching sessions, and joint working groups.

16. December 2020

New Josef Ressel Center: How to connect complex systems

The new Josef Ressel Center at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is researching how systems can be built to reliably function in conjunction with other systems.

14. July 2020

“Liefering is more inspiring to me than any trendy district in Vienna.”

Filmmaker Adrian Goiginger, known for his successful debut film “Die Beste aller Welten,” discussed with us in an interview why Salzburg remains his top choice as a film location.

1. July 2020

On the film set of “Die Toten von Salzburg”

In Salzburg, not only does the film roll, but the pen also rolls over the screenplay. And not just in the case of the tourist magnet Sound of Music, but also in the successful case of the film crew of “Die Toten von Salzburg” among the familiar faces that have already been in front of the camera in Salzburg.

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