From left to right: Edith Urban, Wilfried Haslauer, Manuela Strihavka, Photo: desertcut

29. July 2022

20 years of film funding: The Filmlocation Salzburg is a story of success

Salzburg is a popular location for TV and cinema films. Film has a great tradition in the city and the state – a tradition also supported by the state of Salzburg. Filmförderung Salzburg celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Media Summit in Schloss Leopoldskron on Friday, July 29.

Over a period of 20 years, 174 films have been funded, reaching a total of 548 million viewers. 10 million euros in subsidies were distributed, generating 43.4 million euros in added value. Filmförderung was established in 2002 by the economic department of the state of Salzburg to promote commercial film productions and Filmlocation was set up at Innovation Salzburg GmbH. “At Filmlocation, we are the first point of contact for film producers and offer assistance and advice when they want to shoot in Salzburg. Filmlocation and Filmförderung are a success story that strengthens Salzburg as a film location, but they are also an excellent advertisement for the city and state of Salzburg,” says Edith Urban from Filmlocation Salzburg.

From blockbuster to home movie

Salzburg has served as the setting for many international and national productions: the evergreen “The Sound of Music”, the Hollywood blockbuster “Knight and Day” starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, the popular crime thrillers “Die Toten von Salzburg”, the successful debut work of young Austrian director Adrian Goiginger “Die Beste aller Welten,” and many more. “Thanks to its architectural and scenic charm, Salzburg – both city and state – is just made for the camera. Whether Spaghetti westerns, Austrian thrillers or spy spoofs: With the state’s support, around 200 films and series came to Salzburg,” says Manuela Strihavka, chair of the Salzburg Film Advisory Board.

Salzburg shapes Austria’s film industry

The film industry has become economically important in Salzburg. Salzburg shapes Austria’s overall development in the area of theatrical and television film production. The investments made by Sony DADC and Servus TV are having an impact there. According to the ÖFI’s Film Economy Report for 2021, Salzburg is currently home to only 6 percent of Austria’s production companies, but is responsible for 52 percent of revenues and earnings throughout the nation. “With targeted support for film projects, the training opportunities available here on location and the excellent cooperation between politics, administration and business, we are succeeding in strengthening the city as a film location. In recent years, a variety of film service providers has developed here that is unparalleled. We are well-equipped for the future and looking forward to further major film projects,” says Walter Haas, Managing Director of Innovation Salzburg.

Filmlocation Salzburg as point of contact for film producers

Producers profit from this environment and the service of Filmlocation Salzburg. From advice on film funding, to sourcing cinematic services, through to help with location scouting and much more: As a service and consulting organisation for national and international film producers, Filmlocation Salzburg offers one-stop shopping for bundled assistance and services. “Over the last 20 years, Salzburg has been able to establish itself in an incomparable way as the most important film and media location in Austria next to Vienna. The way in which scenic beauty, tourism expertise, economic breadth, technological diversity, a young scene, but also popular culture and above all high culture come together and mutually stimulate one other in the state of Salzburg is an absolutely unique selling point. The fact that this works so well is down to the active and long-term economic and cultural policy being pursued by Innovation Salzburg,” says Alexander Glehr of Film AG Produktions GmbH.

About Filmförderung Salzburg

The goal of Filmförderung Salzburg is to promote the cultural and film industry development of Salzburg and to support film and television productions that also promote the economy in Salzburg. It is aimed at national and international film producers and screenwriters who want to carry out film or TV production in the state of Salzburg. It is not tied to any genre. The prerequisite is that the production must strengthen both the economy and, in particular, the film industry with increased employment opportunities in Salzburg (Salzburg impact and Salzburg film industry impact). In addition, the film must be internationally exploitable, for example, films that are produced for the entire German-language market or that are distributed internationally.

To the services of the Filmlocation Salzburg

Your contact with the Filmlocation Salzburg

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