Services for companies

Collaborations & networking

Networking and collaborations often make the difference on the path to a successful future. With Innovation Salzburg, you can easily find your cooperation partners.

Innovation is a team sport and often calls for the expertise of external partners. Networking and collaboration can be a crucial vehicle on the road to success – whether you’re working and sharing ideas with other companies and research institutions, or wanting to access important technologies and processes for your work. Collaborations with one or more scientific institutions are referred to as knowledge and technology transfer. There are still many obstacles in this process, such as time and personnel constraints, lack of knowledge about suitable research institutions and directions, long distances from potential transfer partners, and more. Innovation Salzburg gives you a head start on this journey. We maintain an extensive network of companies in Salzburg and have excellent relationships with research institutions in Austria, Bavaria and South Tyrol. We will gladly give you access to this network and support you in your search for suitable partners. We can also put you in touch with them directly. Once a joint project has been decided upon, we provide assistance in various aspects, such as funding applications, intellectual property rights, and commercialization.

Databases to support business and/or scientific partnership search

Enterprise Europe Network

For the search of partners across Europe, we can rely on the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). With over 580 partner organizations in approximately 50 countries, EEN is the world’s largest service network. It assists in finding European business partners and supports internationalization activities.

Our EEN experts are ready to assist you in

  • creating your profile on the EEN Marketplace (cooperation database)
  • formulating targeted technology searches
  • matching inquiries with existing profiles
  • assessing feedback on your inquiries for quality and usefulness
  • making the most of cooperation exchanges and meetings.

FFG Partner Database

For specific services such as the Innovation Voucher, there are dedicated partner databases available. The Innovation Voucher supports small and medium-sized enterprises in collaborating with scientific partners. You can find these partners, among other resources, in the FFG Partner Database (german). Simply schedule an informal consultation with us or at your company!


In cooperation with




Florian Dürager

Mag. (FH) Florian Dürager

Monika Feichtner

Monika Feichtner, MBA

(on maternity leave)
Service Center Innovation

+43 5 7599 722 75

Mag. Romana Schwab

Head of Service Center Innovation

+43 5 7599 722 76

Simone Weiß

Mag. (FH) Simone Weiß, BSc

Head of Talent Attraction Management & Internationalisation

+43 5 7599 722 41


Our experts answer your questions about collaborations and partnership search!

2. August 2022

Collaborations and partnership search in research

To conduct research and development, companies often need competent partners from the world of academia. Here you can learn how to best approach the search for such partners and what to consider when forming a cooperation.

8. March 2024

How do we shape our future?

Political and technological challenges, as well as solutions to questions about the world of tomorrow, were discussed at the well-attended Innovation and Technology Forum salz21 on March 6th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center. Let’s take a look back at the panels organized by Innovation Salzburg.

23. November 2023

Digital Motion: Enhancing Movement with Technology

Several research institutions in Salzburg, along with additional partners, have succeeded in bringing another COMET project to Salzburg with “Digital Motion.” COMET is the flagship program for promoting cutting-edge research in Austria.

3. November 2023

Development of raw material recycling thanks to funding

The extraction of gravel produces extremely fine material that was previously considered waste. An innovation from Pongau makes it possible to utilise this material for the first time. This means that 100 per cent of the raw material can be used. The mechanical recovery process was developed by Christian Ehrensberger GmbH from Tenneck near Werfen.

19. July 2023

From Mozart to Hightech

In the Austria Picture that aired on ORF 2 on June 11th, our CEO Walter Haas stated, “Salzburg should stand for research, technology, and the future.” The program, produced by the Salzburg Regional Studio, focused on our innovation ecosystem.

1. September 2022

Research and Transfer Centers in Salzburg

Salzburg has a strong research landscape with six universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as numerous non-university research institutions. The WISS2030 initiative further strengthens research structures in Salzburg.

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