
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

29. May 2024

Pilot: Online Matchmaking with Indian IT Professionals

With its 5 million IT professionals, India is considered the largest talent pool in the world. Indian software specialists are in demand globally, and there are many open IT jobs in Salzburg that would be interesting for these talents. Do you have open positions? Get to know the talents!

27. May 2024

Mr. Eddy: How interesting is Salzburg for Netflix?

In the name of our film location Salzburg, we had the opportunity to host a delegation from Netflix. During a stroll through the city center and Hellbrunn, the team could get an impression of Salzburg’s film scenery. Steve Eddy, Director of the DACH Region for Netflix, answered a few questions for us on that occasion.

Career fair IKOM Munich

5. December 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

17. November 2023

Salzburg gets its first virtual production studio

Take 2 Studios in Salzburg Sam opens Austria’s first virtual production studio.

31. July 2023

“Algorithms, Brands & Emotions” at the Salzburg Media Summit

On July 28th, creatives, experts, and managers from the media and technology industry gathered for the traditional event organized by the Association of Film and Music Salzburg, Innovation Salzburg, and the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce at Schloss Leopoldskron.

7. June 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

5. April 2023

No movies without film funding

Interview with filmmaker Adrian Goiginger, who gained recognition through his heart-wrenching film, Die beste aller Welten, which showcases Salzburg from an unexpected perspective. We talked about the significance of funding for filmmakers, Salzburg as a filming location, and his personal developments since his debut work.

17. February 2023

Meet us @salz21 – Our offer for you at the Innovation Festival

Panels, Workshops, Pitchings – here you can find our program and all our offerings for you at the salz21 innovation festival on March 15th and 16th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center (Messe Salzburg) at a glance!

7. February 2023

7 tips for intercultural work

Culture influences our working life: a colleague’s aversion to new tools and ways of working, a colleague’s sympathy for clear structures and rules, or a colleague’s relaxed approach to deadlines – this can result in conflicts! But this is not inevitable! Intercultural competencies promote understanding for each other and strengthen cooperation.

25. January 2023

This is changing with the Red-White-Red Card

The Red-White-Red Card allows employers to hire employees from third countries. A legal amendment facilitates the application process. We will tell you what you need to know as an employer about the changes!

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