Hände mit Geld

Services for companies

Finance & funding

We assist you in finding and implementing the appropriate measures for you and your project. We advise you on whether and how your project is eligible for funding and which support options are suitable for you.

A wealth of innovation and investment support is available for companies at regional, national and international level. Funding is available for different needs, categories and durations. Innovation Salzburg keeps track of the various different grants and tenders, so that you always have an overview of what is available. We’ll help you identify and implement the right options for you and your project. We’ll also advise you on whether your project is eligible for funding or support and, if so, how to apply.

In our consultation, we draw on regional, national, and EU-wide funding programs. To stay up to date, we cooperate closely with the State of Salzburg, the Austrian promotional bank (austria wirtschaftsservice, aws), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and the Austrian Hotel and Tourism Bank (ÖHT).


Florian Dürager

Mag. (FH) Florian Dürager

Monika Feichtner

Monika Feichtner, MBA

(on maternity leave)
Service Center Innovation

+43 5 7599 722 75

Mag. Romana Schwab

Simone Weiß

Mag. (FH) Simone Weiß, BSc

Head of Talent Attraction Management & Internationalisation

+43 5 7599 722 41


10. July 2024

Funding for film, TV, and streaming projects

Austria offers national and regional funding for film projects. Funding is available for international service productions, Austrian cinema films, and emerging productions. This covers cinema, TV, and streaming. The largest component of this is the incentive model FISA+.

17. January 2024

Research premium – this is how you apply!

SMEs can apply to the tax office for a research premium for expenditure on research and development (R&D). We show you how it works!

23. November 2023

Digital Motion: Enhancing Movement with Technology

Several research institutions in Salzburg, along with additional partners, have succeeded in bringing another COMET project to Salzburg with “Digital Motion.” COMET is the flagship program for promoting cutting-edge research in Austria.

15. November 2023

A new binder for timber construction

Bauneg GmbH from Flachgau has developed a new type of binding agent for levelling wooden residential buildings that remains elastic and thus provides sound insulation. The SME was supported by the state’s innovation funding programme and Innovation Salzburg.

7. November 2023

Utilizing Funding for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) offer various fundings for companies looking to work with new technology.

3. November 2023

Development of raw material recycling thanks to funding

The extraction of gravel produces extremely fine material that was previously considered waste. An innovation from Pongau makes it possible to utilise this material for the first time. This means that 100 per cent of the raw material can be used. The mechanical recovery process was developed by Christian Ehrensberger GmbH from Tenneck near Werfen.

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