
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

Career fair IKOM Munich

5. December 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

7. June 2023

Presentation of Salzburg companies at career fairs

Throughout the year, we will be attending national and international career fairs together with Salzburg-based companies to represent the Salzburg location. There are still available dates with free booth spaces!

7. February 2023

7 tips for intercultural work

Culture influences our working life: a colleague’s aversion to new tools and ways of working, a colleague’s sympathy for clear structures and rules, or a colleague’s relaxed approach to deadlines – this can result in conflicts! But this is not inevitable! Intercultural competencies promote understanding for each other and strengthen cooperation.

25. January 2023

This is changing with the Red-White-Red Card

The Red-White-Red Card allows employers to hire employees from third countries. A legal amendment facilitates the application process. We will tell you what you need to know as an employer about the changes!

20. July 2022

Hiring foreign workers: What you need to consider

The voices from companies are growing louder, stating that skilled workers are missing in certain areas, such as the IT sector. This is an important reason to increasingly search for suitable talents abroad. When hiring so-called expatriates, or expats for short, there are several points to consider.

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