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8. March 2024

How do we shape our future?

Political and technological challenges, as well as solutions to questions about the world of tomorrow, were discussed at the well-attended Innovation and Technology Forum salz21 on March 6th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center. Let’s take a look back at the panels organized by Innovation Salzburg.

19. July 2023

From Mozart to Hightech

In the Austria Picture that aired on ORF 2 on June 11th, our CEO Walter Haas stated, “Salzburg should stand for research, technology, and the future.” The program, produced by the Salzburg Regional Studio, focused on our innovation ecosystem.

1. September 2022

Research and Transfer Centers in Salzburg

Salzburg has a strong research landscape with six universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as numerous non-university research institutions. The WISS2025 initiative further strengthens research structures in Salzburg.

Our experts answer your questions about collaborations and partnership search!

2. August 2022

Collaborations and partnership search in research

To conduct research and development, companies often need competent partners from the world of academia. Here you can learn how to best approach the search for such partners and what to consider when forming a cooperation.

30. June 2022

FH Salzburg: New Josef Ressel Centre researches assistance systems for industrial automation

Behind Industry 4.0. lies a grand vision: value chains that react flexibly to environmental changes, adapt and are intelligently coordinated. This would enable industry to produce personalised and individualised goods that reach the market faster, all through automated and autonomous manufacturing processes.

15. June 2022

Why SAG relies on liquid hydrogen as fuel

Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is increasingly becoming the focus of attention when it comes to alternative fuels for commercial vehicles. The Salzburg Aluminium Group is researching how to store it in tanks. Esther Lind from SAG told us at our Industry Talks at the salz21 innovation festival how SAG manages to store LH2 at – 253 degrees.

28. April 2022

How clothing can save lives

Smart textiles can protect firefighters from overheating or support the product development of sports equipment. Research helps to maintain well-being and physical and cognitive performance through the use of textile sensors.

14. June 2021

Salzburg’s innovative spirit: Christian Neureiter

Christian Neureiter is the head of the new Josef Ressel Center at FH Salzburg, where research is conducted on “Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering”. Together with industry partners, they are investigating how complex systems, such as Industry 4.0, can be reliably developed.

16. December 2020

IDA Lab: Advancing through research in Data Science

Due to digitalization, many companies are sitting on valuable data sets whose potential often remains untapped. With the IDA Lab, Salzburg’s companies have a research partner for data science and artificial intelligence at their disposal.

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