Pulling together with doc.funds.connect for doctoral education in Austria: Minister of Science Heinz Faßmann, Sabine Seidler (uniko), Johann Kastner (FHK), Christoph Gattringer (FWF), and Martin Gerzabek (CDG). (Photo: FWF/Daniel Novotny)

10. October 2021

FHs and universities jointly train doctoral candidates

Austria’s universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS) are jointly training doctoral students. The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are funding five new joint doctoral programs with one million euros each in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna, and Wiener Neustadt.

With the funding program doc.funds.connect, five joint doctoral programs can start at universities and universities of applied sciences. The total funding volume for the first call is five million euros, and selection and evaluation were carried out by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) in collaboration with the Christian Doppler Society. Due to the positive response, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research is providing an additional seven million euros for a second call.

The following locations were able to establish joint doctoral programs through an international evaluation process:

  • Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, University of Salzburg
  • Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, University of Linz
  • University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Vienna University of Technology
  • University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Medical University of Vienna, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
  • University of Applied Sciences Joanneum, Graz University of Technology

“Cooperative doctorates strengthen research cooperation between universities and universities of applied sciences and promote young researchers. Therefore, I am pleased that a total of 28 high-quality project cooperations were submitted. Due to this great response, we will launch a second call with a budget increase to seven million euros by the end of this year,” explains Minister of Science Heinz Faßmann on the occasion of the first round of approvals.

The Salzburg doctoral program “doc.hci – Designing Meaningful Human-Technology Relations”

  • Involved partners: University of Salzburg, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
  • Coordination: Alexander Meschtscherjakov (University of Salzburg)
  • Funding volume: 1,005,148.04 euros | Project duration: 4 years

The new doctoral program deals with the understanding and design of the relationship between humans and digital technology. Due to the ubiquity of these technologies and their increasing agency, for example, artificial intelligence, humanity is becoming increasingly intertwined with them. This requires a paradigm shift in the field of information and communication technology, which requires significant innovations in theoretical foundations and methodological approaches.

The creation of these foundations is the overarching scientific goal of the doc.hci program. Doctoral candidates deal with the design of meaningful human-machine relationships in five challenging contexts (mobility, health, education, work, play) by taking a radically new perspective on the nature of these relationships. Doc.hci builds on the joint master’s program HCI of the University of Salzburg and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Information on all doctoral programs can be found here.

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