Wooden windows from the CNC machine, Photo: Franz Lechner

3. November 2023

Wooden window production in no time

Even smaller projects can make big leaps for companies, just like the investment made by the Franz Lechner Carpentry in Pinzgau in a new CNC machine for the fully automated production of wooden windows and wood-aluminum windows. The Land Salzburg DigiBonus and our Service Center Innovation team made this possible.

“What used to require four to five machines can now be handled with just one machine. In the end, we are faster, which, of course, also saves on personnel and costs,” says Stefanie Graber, Junior Manager and Master Carpenter. According to her, each window saves an hour of production time, allowing employees to work on other tasks during that time. The investment in the new equipment is also reflected in the electricity bill. Graber adds “Now we need about half the electricity that the old machine consumed”.

The Path to Investment

The first angular system (Weinig UC10) was purchased in the mid-1990s, capable of producing end and longitudinal profiles for windows. Over time, the control technology became defective and could not be renewed. Therefore, in 2019, another used angular system of the same type was acquired since there was unfortunately no alternative, newer machine of a suitable size for the small carpentry shop. “If I don’t have space for a machine in the workshop, then I don’t need to buy it,” summarizes Stefanie Graber. However, this 22-year-old system could no longer handle all the demands placed on it. “In 2022, we considered buying a new machine, the Weinig Vario MC50. It is state-of-the-art, and it also fits into our workshop. A friend who was the first in Salzburg to own this system allowed us to inspect and test it. After reevaluating everything, we decided to purchase this equipment,” says Stefanie Graber.

And this decision was spot-on because “the new CNC machine completes the entire window element, including end and longitudinal profiles. Special processing for fittings, door closers, and handles is also possible. With just one machine, we are very flexible,” says the Junior Manager. Previously, four to five machines were needed for these steps, taking about five hours in total. The new CNC system is approximately one hour faster in production.

For advice on innovation funding, the carpentry shop came through a recommendation from Stefanie Graber’s husband, who also owns a carpentry business. They attended a funding consultation day in Zell am See, where they met with Florian Dürager, who introduced them to DigiBonus, the digitalization bonus. “He provided intensive support and helped us to structure the project and create the funding strategy,” Stefanie Graber says about their first contact with our funding expert. The project was then submitted and started in November 2022, running until the end of 2023.

About Franz Lechner Carpentry

  • Family business in its third generation
  • Located in Uttendorf im Pinzgau
  • Eleven employees
  • Specialized in carpentry, window production, including sun and insect protection
  • lechner-fenster.at

Your Contact for funding

Florian Dürager

Mag. (FH) Florian Dürager

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