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17. January 2022

Incentives for sustainable mobility in the city

Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Promoting Sustainable Mobility in Cities with Digital Data-Driven Insights.

To make cities livable and promote climate-friendly measures, residents are encouraged to increase their usage of bicycles, walk, or utilize public transportation. The aim is to reduce motorized individual traffic and promote sustainable forms of mobility.

The research project, led by Salzburg Research, is developing digital, data-driven approaches to encourage changes in daily mobility behavior. Researchers are investigating the effectiveness of incentives (nudges) when combined with contextual information. This involves linking location information, environmental conditions such as weather, traffic situations, noise or air pollution levels, and behavioral economic components. All digital data is processed to enable automation of various processes.

Based on real-time data, user-generated data, and publicly available data, this framework aims to advance research in the field of behavioral economics and psychology related to mobility. It also supports the transition to sustainable mobility and inspires decision-makers.

In addition to leading the research project, Salzburg Research is responsible for collecting user needs and designing digital nudges, which are a crucial aspect of the research. The pilot cities where these incentives will be implemented as examples are Salzburg and Uppsala (Sweden). Alongside German and Swedish partner organizations, the Z_GIS at the University of Salzburg is also part of the consortium. DyMoN is funded through the JPI Urban Europe program, including support from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action.

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